files/news/1/bild.jpg§§§5000§ § § §
files/news/5/bild.jpg§template.cgi?page=artikel_detail&id=2035&lang=en§§5000§Mobile UCI-Hardness tester§alphaDUR mini II§for fast and easy hardness testing
files/news/3/bild.jpg§template.cgi?page=artikel_detail&id=1981&lang=en§§5000§Mobile rebound hardness tester§dynaROCK III§for fast and easy testing
files/news/6/bild.jpg§template.cgi?page=artikel_detail&id=2000&lang=en§§5000§Fully automised UCI-Hardness scanner§UT 200§for high-resolution hardness distribution
files/news/7/bild.jpg§template.cgi?page=artikel_detail&id=1726&lang=en§§5000§Universal hardness tester§alphaDUR II§for Rebound and UCI-Testing
files/news/18/bild.jpg§§§5000§Different probes for§UCI hardness testing§
files/news/16/bild.jpg§§§5000§Rockwell, Vickers, Brinell§Hardness Test Blocks§Made in Germany
files/news/9/bild.jpg§template.cgi?page=artikel_detail&id=1979&lang=en§§5000§Durometer for hardness testing of plastic§SHOREdigital§Shore A and D
files/news/10/bild.jpg§template.cgi?page=artikel_detail&id=1996&lang=en§§5000§Calotester of the series§kaloMAX§for determination of layer thickness and wear resistance
files/news/17/bild.jpg§template.cgi?page=artikel_detail&id=2030&lang=en§§5000§Scratch Tester§easySCRATCH§Cost-effective method for adhesion testing
As conducting material tests gain a growing importance in the quality management, it is by now an essential part in the production process.
Especially if the tests need to be executed only now and then or the needed specialists are not in place, it might be appropriate to entrust us with the measurements.
For these cases, we will gladly make you an offer to carry out your measuring task in our laboratory. Our team will be glad to assist, if your sample needs to be processed (e.g. cutting, mounting, grinding and polishing).
When the test is finished you will get an detailed inspection certificate, which of course can be individually clarified.
Hardness Testing:
Stationary Testing Range:
Super Rockwell
Vickers (Micro and Macro)
UCI-surface scan
Mobile Testing Range:
UCI-hardness testing
Rebound (Leeb)
Webster hardness
Barcol hardness
Coat Testing:
Testing Range:
Layer thickness of hard coatings (PVD, CVD, DLC) by cap grinding method
Wear and scratching resistance (obtained by cap grinding)
adhesion strength by Rockwell testing