files/news/1/bild.jpg§§§5000§ § § §

files/news/5/bild.jpg§template.cgi?page=artikel_detail&id=2035&lang=en§§5000§Mobile UCI-Hardness tester§alphaDUR mini II§for fast and easy hardness testing

files/news/3/bild.jpg§template.cgi?page=artikel_detail&id=1981&lang=en§§5000§Mobile rebound hardness tester§dynaROCK III§for fast and easy testing

files/news/6/bild.jpg§template.cgi?page=artikel_detail&id=2000&lang=en§§5000§Fully automised UCI-Hardness scanner§UT 200§for high-resolution hardness distribution

files/news/7/bild.jpg§template.cgi?page=artikel_detail&id=1726&lang=en§§5000§Universal hardness tester§alphaDUR II§for Rebound and UCI-Testing

files/news/18/bild.jpg§§§5000§Different probes for§UCI hardness testing§

files/news/16/bild.jpg§§§5000§Rockwell, Vickers, Brinell§Hardness Test Blocks§Made in Germany

files/news/9/bild.jpg§template.cgi?page=artikel_detail&id=1979&lang=en§§5000§Durometer for hardness testing of plastic§SHOREdigital§Shore A and D

files/news/10/bild.jpg§template.cgi?page=artikel_detail&id=1996&lang=en§§5000§Calotester of the series§kaloMAX§for determination of layer thickness and wear resistance

files/news/17/bild.jpg§template.cgi?page=artikel_detail&id=2030&lang=en§§5000§Scratch Tester§easySCRATCH§Cost-effective method for adhesion testing

Automated Hardness Tester ROCKWELLmodul
Automated Rockwell Hardness testing in the production
  • Fully automated hardness testing
  • Rockwell, Super-Rockwell and Brinell (HBT)
  • According to DIN EN ISO 6508 and ASTM E18
  • Control over SPS (incl. GOOD/BAD rating)
  • Implementable in production plants
  • Very flexible mounting options


The hardness testing machines are designed for production support and 100%-Checks for higher quantities. Owing to the new design you are able to integrate it into production plants without any problems.
Every machine consist of the hardness test module and a separated control unit, which can be built into a electric cabinet.
Versions for every Rockwell-procedure are part of the program.
The Brinell-machines use a modified procedure to scale the penetration, since the optical measuring of the indentation isn't useful in a fast, automated testing.
The test load is regulated and scaled steadily during the load application. The result is a high accuracy with a fast measuring speed.
The test cycle will be triggered over the Start-input, after the test object is positioned. The standardized test cycles lasts approx. 20 Sec. When the test is completed, the Ready-output signalizes, that the test object can be removed. The test result will be evaluated according to the adjusted borders and the switched outputs are set. The hardness value can be requested over USB, RS232 Interface or TCP/IP-LAN.

Automated Hardness Tester ROCKWELLmodul
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Hardness scale Rockwell and Super-Rockwell-Procedure, others on request
Test load (Rockwell) Chooseable from 15-150 kg
Hardness resolution 0,1 HRC
Lifting 20 mm
Test cycle Approx. 20 Sec.
Power supply 85-264 V / AC
Dimensions 75 mm x 120 mm x 420 mm
Installation Tapped holes on the back side
Control unit 19″-Case, 3 HE
Connection to SPS Switch-output, (potential-free)
Interface USB, RS232, Ethernet
Display Color-LCD
  • Rockwell-Module
  • Control box
  • Power cable
  • Manual
  • Certified test blocks
Developed and manufactured by BAQ in Germany