files/news/1/bild.jpg§§§5000§ § § §

files/news/5/bild.jpg§template.cgi?page=artikel_detail&id=2035&lang=en§§5000§Mobile UCI-Hardness tester§alphaDUR mini II§for fast and easy hardness testing

files/news/3/bild.jpg§template.cgi?page=artikel_detail&id=1981&lang=en§§5000§Mobile rebound hardness tester§dynaROCK III§for fast and easy testing

files/news/6/bild.jpg§template.cgi?page=artikel_detail&id=2000&lang=en§§5000§Fully automised UCI-Hardness scanner§UT 200§for high-resolution hardness distribution

files/news/7/bild.jpg§template.cgi?page=artikel_detail&id=1726&lang=en§§5000§Universal hardness tester§alphaDUR II§for Rebound and UCI-Testing

files/news/18/bild.jpg§§§5000§Different probes for§UCI hardness testing§

files/news/16/bild.jpg§§§5000§Rockwell, Vickers, Brinell§Hardness Test Blocks§Made in Germany

files/news/9/bild.jpg§template.cgi?page=artikel_detail&id=1979&lang=en§§5000§Durometer for hardness testing of plastic§SHOREdigital§Shore A and D

files/news/10/bild.jpg§template.cgi?page=artikel_detail&id=1996&lang=en§§5000§Calotester of the series§kaloMAX§for determination of layer thickness and wear resistance

files/news/17/bild.jpg§template.cgi?page=artikel_detail&id=2030&lang=en§§5000§Scratch Tester§easySCRATCH§Cost-effective method for adhesion testing

Calotester kaloMAX II
Spherical cap grinder (Calotest device) for the determination of layer thicknesses
  • Fast and easy layer thickness measurement
  • Measurement of single layer and layer systems
  • Measurement independent of the material
  • Comfortable operation
  • Precise measurement without calibration


The ball crater test (Calotest) is a well established method for the determination of layer thickness. With a rotating steel ball and an abrasive slurry, a spherical cap is ground through the coating into the base material of the sample. When examined with a microscope, the layer/base material interface appears as a circle or, in case of a multilayer coating, a system of concentric circles. The layer thickness can be calculated from the diameters of these circles and the diameter of the grinding ball.
This purely geometrical method gives highly accurate results even for layer thicknesses in the range of micrometers.
Evaluation and documentation can be further simplified by the software kaloSOFT and a camera-equipped microscope.

Calotester kaloMAX II
Calotester kaloMAX Calotester kaloMAX Calotester kaloMAX Calotester kaloMAX Measuring layer thickness with a Caltest device
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Range of application:
Layer thicknesses Approx. 0.3 – 30 μm
Diameter of the spherical cap Approx. 0.1 – 2 mm
Measurement accuracy 1 – 5 % (dependent on surface roughness)
Ball diameter 15 – 30 mm
Clamping range for plane samples 50 mm
Clamping range for round samples 3 – 30 mm (clamping jaw for other dimensions on request)
Cross table travel 25 x 25 mm
Incline of sample level 60 degrees
LED displays (14 mm height) 4 digits number of revolutions
4 digits runtime
1 digit program number
Number or revolutions of the drive shaft 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200 1/min
Running periods 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 150, 180 s
Input voltage range 85 – 264 VAC
Input frequency range 47 – 63 Hz
Dimensions 300 x 295 x 235 mm (w / d / h)
Weight Approx. 8 kg
  • Spherical cap grinder (Calotester) kaloMAX II with cross table
  • Power supply
  • Manual
  • Detachable vice
  • Grinding paste of various granulation
  • Various microscopes equipped with high resolution cameras
  • Evaluation software kaloSOFT
  • All-in-one solutions
  • Automated models
kaloSOFT - Measuring of calotteskaloSOFT Software for measuring spherical caps