files/news/1/bild.jpg§§§5000§ § § §

files/news/5/bild.jpg§template.cgi?page=artikel_detail&id=2035&lang=en§§5000§Mobile UCI-Hardness tester§alphaDUR mini II§for fast and easy hardness testing

files/news/3/bild.jpg§template.cgi?page=artikel_detail&id=1981&lang=en§§5000§Mobile rebound hardness tester§dynaROCK III§for fast and easy testing

files/news/6/bild.jpg§template.cgi?page=artikel_detail&id=2000&lang=en§§5000§Fully automised UCI-Hardness scanner§UT 200§for high-resolution hardness distribution

files/news/7/bild.jpg§template.cgi?page=artikel_detail&id=1726&lang=en§§5000§Universal hardness tester§alphaDUR II§for Rebound and UCI-Testing

files/news/18/bild.jpg§§§5000§Different probes for§UCI hardness testing§

files/news/16/bild.jpg§§§5000§Rockwell, Vickers, Brinell§Hardness Test Blocks§Made in Germany

files/news/9/bild.jpg§template.cgi?page=artikel_detail&id=1979&lang=en§§5000§Durometer for hardness testing of plastic§SHOREdigital§Shore A and D

files/news/10/bild.jpg§template.cgi?page=artikel_detail&id=1996&lang=en§§5000§Calotester of the series§kaloMAX§for determination of layer thickness and wear resistance

files/news/17/bild.jpg§template.cgi?page=artikel_detail&id=2030&lang=en§§5000§Scratch Tester§easySCRATCH§Cost-effective method for adhesion testing

Portable microscope Kingscope 100 E2
High-precision portable microscope for fast measurement of Brinell indentations
  • Lightweight yet rugged ergonomic design allows for easy handling
  • High accuracy of 0.01mm
  • ASTM E-10 Type-A microscope
  • Comes with military drop-tested case and penlight to accommodate for harsh conditions


The KingScope 100 provides excellent accuracy with resolution at .01mm.with a large easy to hold base and a small foot print the KingScope 100 is ideal for portable daily use. The shape is ergonomic and friendly and it fits comfortably in your hand. This feature makes the KingScope 100 easy to steady on an image and comfortable to work with. It is made of lightweight and rigged material so while easy to carry it will withstand harsh environments for many years of use. Focusing the scope is easy and quick and the built in LED illumina!on which is powered by a single AAA battery provides more than adequate light and lasts for thousands of hours of use. The KingScope 100 comes standard with an anti glare filter making image capture and reading a breeze.
The Kingscope is a perfect addition for portable Brinell hardness tester like the King Brinell Tester.

Portable microscope Kingscope 100 E2
Kingscope 100 E2
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Accuracy0.01 mm
Power supply1x AAA battery
  • Portable microscope Kingscope 100 E2
  • Glare filter
  • Case
Made in USA